The benefits of a height adjustable desk include improved energy and productivity, as well as improved overall health. Still not sure if you should make the leap? Read on.
When discussing the benefits of a height adjustable desk, since I am a registered nurse who also happens to own an office furniture company, I can offer a unique, time-tested insight on the topic. So many people have said to me “Isn’t it just a gimmick?”, “I’m sure its just a fad that will pass like the treadmill desk”, and “Does it REALLY help employee productivity?”. Without hesitation I respond “No, it’s not a fad, I never did recommend the treadmill desk for safety reasons, and YES it does improve employee productivity–not to mention improves overall health. With humans spending approximately 55% of their waking hours in the workplace, something must be done. It’s much easier to look at prevention now, than dealing with combating and/or trying to cure a health condition down the road.
Sometimes referred to as “sit to stand desks”, purchasing a desk that is designed to make effortless posture changes throughout the day is good for energy, productivity, and can have a positive impact on well-being, including helping to combat chronic diseases such as neck/back pain, high blood pressure, and heart disease.
If you could have happier, healthier employees with less employee turnover, less absenteeism, improved morale and employee satisfaction, would you do it?
One of the biggest deterrents to making the change from the standard office desk to a height adjustable desk is often justifying the cost. I think everyone grasps the concept and importance of having a good economic workstation, but struggle with justifying the cost. At Advanced Furniture Solutions, we offer so many ergonomic desking and seating options at all price points, there really isn’t an excuse to continue to ‘sit and suffer’ through your workdays!
An industry expert in ergonomics (Humanscale) published a white paper titled Return on Investment for Ergonomic Interventions that I found to be interesting and full of great, practical information. Below is a snip-it of their findings that details a handful of successful ergonomics interventions specifically with a monetary focus and outcome. To read the white paper in its entirety, click here.
Maybe you don’t trust an office furniture manufacturer to ‘tell the truth’ when it comes to product effectiveness. For those of you out that that might want an outsiders viewpoint, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) also conducted a study called Reducing Occupational Sitting Time and Improving Worker Health: The Take-a-Stand Project, 2011. Their findings concluded that reducing the time spent sitting by 224% (a mere 66 minutes per day) led to reduced upper back reduced upper back and neck pain by 54%, and improved mood states. Furthermore, the removal of the device largely negated all observed improvements within 2 weeks. To read the white paper in its entirety, click here.

Among the other benefits of a height adjustable desk, there is also benefit of additional calories burned. A recent study (Difference of Energy Expenditure While Standing versus Sitting: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis) showed that the amount of calories burned by substituting sitting with standing for six hours a day would be an extra 54 calories per day (for a person who weighs about 140 lbs). “This amount is probably not enough to help people lose weight, but it could help prevent weight gain“, said study lead author Farzane Saeidifard, a research fellow at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., who presented the findings at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions.

One last study I will reference looked at the effects of substituting sitting with standing on the severity of heart-disease risk factors, such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high BMI. That study found that 2 hours of standing at work may boost your health by lowering fasting blood sugar levels, triglycerides, BMI and waist circumference. Just a reminder (this is the healthcare professional in me speaking!), although it’s helpful to know that “just substituting sitting with standing” can lead to some reductions in fat and blood-sugar levels, people still need more activity in their day for weight loss and overall health. The Department of Health and Human Services recommends that people engage in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week.
Now more than ever, health and wellness is at the forefront of corporate strategy. Starting with active design will help engage today’s diverse workforce in participating in workplace well-being initiatives. At Advanced Furniture Solutions, we want to provide insights that will help optimize space design and truly help to create a happy, healthy and productive workplace. We strive to give the best customer experience possible. Our large range of manufacturers gives us the opportunity to give our clients their dream space. Give us a call at (904) 398-0807, contact us online, or visit our showroom on 9452 Philips Highway, Suite 7, Jacksonville, FL 32256. Hours: Monday-Friday, 08:00-5:00. Saturday: 08:00- 2:00.
Let our experts assist you in developing practical and effective office solutions that will get you on the right track to improved workplace wellness, productivity, and inspiration.
Jacksonville’s only Kimball Select Dealer and named as one of the Fastest 50 Growing Businesses by the Jacksonville Business Journal in 2016, 2017 & 2018, Advanced Furniture Solutions is a premier woman-owned office furniture and commercial flooring store in Jacksonville, Florida. A certified 8M, Economically Disadvantaged Woman-Owned Small Business (EDWOSB), AFS has been providing sustainable and affordable office solutions to organizations of all shapes and sizes in the Jacksonville area for over 20 years.