Happy New Year! What’s on your to do list for 2018? Why not make your resolution a reality and ACTIVATE YOUR WORKPLACE! At Advanced Furniture Solutions, our team of office furniture experts are ready to help you create a work space that will allow you to have movement throughout the day.
The New Year is often associated with people making resolutions. Get in shape. Lose weight. Get organized. Stop smoking. People usually stick to their resolutions for the first month or so, but then fall off the cliff in February. Let the office furniture experts at Advanced Furniture Solutions help you succeed in making your resolutions a sustained reality. You’ve been sitting too long and as you know, sitting is the new smoking! You will spend an average of 2000 hours at your desk this year. The time has come for you to activate your workplace!
By simply moving more and engaging with more intuitive work tools, the workplace can be transformed into a hub for flexibility, creativity, motivation, and wellness. Adding office tools like height-adjustable desks are a great place to start. Did I just hear you say “I can’t afford one of THOSE desks!”. Believe me, a sit/stand desk doesn’t have to break the bank. There are options available at all price points.
At Advanced Furniture Solutions, we have an entire team of office furniture experts who are available to help create a healthy work environment for you on any budget. We have an entire showroom space that contains products dedicated to developing practical and effective solutions to help you break the sedentary workplace cycle. Don’t make the mistake of “buying without trying”. You research other items before you make purchases, and you should do the same when it comes to office furniture.
Want more information about ergonomic solutions for your workplace? At Advanced Furniture Solutions, we carry many top ergonomic office furniture brands such as Kimball, Humanscale, Artopex, AIS, IZZY+, Jasper Group, Innovative Office Products, Office Master, 9to5 Seating and more! We aren’t limited to furniture. We also can assist you with monitor arms, keyboard systems, lighting, foot rockers, laptop holders, connectivity, and cable management.
Stop by our dedicated ergonomic showroom today and try out the products for yourself! Call us at (904) 398-0807 or request information online. Our Design Center & Showroom is located at 9452 Philips Hwy, Ste. 7, Jacksonville, FL 32256. Let our office furniture experts assist you in developing practical and effective solutions that will get you on the right track to improved workplace wellness.
Hours: Monday-Friday, 08:00-5:00. Saturday hours available by appointment.