Standing desks are more than just a craze, and they’re spilling beyond the deep-pocketed offices of world-known companies like Google and Facebook.

People are becoming smarter, more aware, and more preventative when it comes to their health, which in itself is fantastic to see. Where they stumble, though, is the cost justification of a standing desk culture in the workplace.


Price aversion is natural – of course we’re all guilty of denying a purchase based on price alone, both personally and professionally.

The difference between price and cost becomes apparent: price is what a company would pay for equipment, furniture or software upfront. Cost, however, is the ongoing payment attributed to losses and other operating costs.

Can your business justify the costs associated with workplace injuries and days missed, and look beyond upfront price?


A lot of pressure is put on your body when you’re sitting, slumping, and slouching for up to 17 hours in a day. ’17 hours?’ you think. ‘It can’t be that much!’ Calculate it: on average, you spend around seven hours in bed, let’s say an hour or two for the work commute, plus about seven or eight hours sitting at your desk. Combine all that with two or three hours of sitting in front of the TV to relax at night, and we’ve brought your grand total to 17 hours (and possibly more!) of sedentary behavior.

Common workplace injuries, due to a sedentary lifestyle, include:

But why? I could go on (and I have.. see my other posts!), but to put it simply: reduced muscular demand – in that sedentary position – leads to increased joint loading and stress due to de-conditioning.


OK, so you know the facts, and you’re obviously keen to stand up for your health… but how do you convince the boss?

The Cost of Workplace Injuries

Check out these stats! You might like to allude to your boss that:


Standing desks (moreover, the ability to switch from standing to sitting within mere seconds) are attributed as one of the greatest advantages when it comes to improving workplace productivity.

In fact, some journalists who tested adjustable desks reported that, when standing, they felt a sense of perseverance or urgency, which allowed them to refocus and complete tasks more efficiently.


Avoid that dreaded 3 o’clock slump (ahhh, only two hours to go!) and remove “food coma” from your vocabulary: shifting between sitting and standing increases blood flow and improves energy and concentration.

You even start to segment tasks: “I’ll sit once I’ve finished this blog post” – the reward is sitting, but the condition is that you won’t do so until you finish your current task. You then make a decision to get the job done with fewer distractions!

Staff Welfare

Beyond the legal obligations to which you have to comply (Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S), compensation, annual leave, etc.), a quality company requires quality staff. Retain and recruit the highest quality of staff by offering generous benefits and true compassion.

All of these actions create a positive and fruitful work environment, and improve the welfare of not only staff, but of the managerial team, too. You’ll see an improvement in workplace absences, and your team will be not only happier, but healthier, too.

So stand up for your health today, and have a chat to your boss about a sit-stand work environment. What have you got to lose?  In fact, share this article with your boss!

At Advanced Furniture Solutions, we have experts available to assist with your ergonomic questions and needs.  Call us at (904) 398-0807, request information online or stop by our Design Center & Showroom at 9452 Philips Hwy, Ste. 7, Jacksonville, FL 32256 today for practical and effective solutions to assist you in getting on the right track to improved workplace wellness.

Hours: Monday-Friday, 08:00-5:00.  Weekend hours available by appointment.

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